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Debunking CV myths

Debunking CV Myths

There are plenty of common myth-conceptions about CVs, here are just a few:

-         CVs should only be 2 pages

No! I’ve seen 2-page CVs that tells me nothing and I’ve seen 3-page CVs that are informative, very well presented and do their job brilliantly. There is so much more to a CV than the number of pages it has.

-         I will save the good stuff to impress at interview

No! It is that type of information that lands you the interview in the first place. And not only that but positions the interviewer in a much positive mindset about you, before you have even entered the room. 

-         CVs aren’t that important in the whole scheme of things

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Do not underestimate the power of a well-thought-out and well-presented CV. Your CV WILL make a difference in your career, either way. You may have the best job search strategies, on it 24/7, effectively utilising the most powerful network you've ever built, but with a poor CV, all that effort may be for nothing if it does not truly represent your personal brand in the best possible way. All that job search, pre-match preparation and then you go and score an own-goal.

-         I don’t need a CV

In these challenging markets and turbulent times – you absolutely do! Many more have come to me in the last few months looking to create a CV from scratch – the crowd that has always been approached directly throughout their career or consistently promoted internally. You cannot rely on your old network anymore – time to refresh. It is turbulent times and things have definitely changed. You may even get approached, completely out of know-where; you never know when it may be needed.

-         There’s a one-size-fits-all way to do a CV

No there isn’t! Everyone, it seems has a different view on what makes a good CV and what a good CV looks like. But there is one common denominator - common sense. CVs are not like a set of accounts, regulated where the numbers have to fall in the right place. A lot of it is down to personal preference and everyone is different, so your CV should be unique to you too; clearly defining your candidate proposition (what are you?) and crafted around your areas of expertise; effectively demonstrating your career journey, and evidencing the career success that differentiates you from the crowd (why hire you?).

-         CVs are there to sell me

No! CVs are a marketing and branding tool – they are designed to engineer an interview which again is another chink in the marketing chain. The sale is the job offer and the offer acceptance is securing the deal!


Ginnie Riley  

Job Search Strategist ★ CV Writer ★ Career Transition Coach ★ Helping Professionals and Hirers connect



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